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Barrowmaze Complete - Greg Gillespie |

The Trove is a non-profit website dedicated towards content archival and long-term preservation of RPGs. We currently host various large scale collections amounting to hundreds of thousands of files. Aug 06,  · RPG overview of Barrowmaze Complete by Greg Gillespie. PDF and Print. Barrowmaze - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read book online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search5/5(5).

barrowmaze complete pdf download

Barrowmaze complete pdf download

Barrowmaze - Complete Home Barrowmaze - Complete. RPG stuff Recommend Documents. Barrowmaze - Complete RPG stuff. Barrowmaze Complete.

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Barrowmaze Complete represents the consolidation of Barrowmaze I and II, featuring new content, art and layout. InI revised the notes not es of my home-game home- game megadungeon megad ungeon to create Barrowmaze I published under the Open Gaming License and compatible with Labyrinth Lord and other classic fantasy role-playing games.

One year later I ran a crowdfunding campaign to publish the second half of the dungeon, called Barrowmaze II. Although Barrowmaze has my name on the cover, I view the adventure as a communal expression of old school gaming—it speaks to the type of game we want to play, the style of game we want to forward, and that the history and roots of our hobby are important and worth preserving for future f uture gamers.

Thank you. He further commanded them to take his most powerful unholy relic, The Tablet of Chaos, and entomb it behind many wards and traps. The cult of Nergal, barrowmaze complete pdf download, N ergal, now leaderless, leaderless, fragmented and abandoned the burial maze.

Knowledge of The Tablet was lost. Barrowmaze starts in the isolated village of Helix located in a swampy region known as the Duchy of Aerik. Once they deposed their father f barrowmaze complete pdf download, Orcus and Set turned on each other and a civil war for control of the Underworld began. A stalemate ensued with each side hoping to tip the balance of power in their favour. Orcus gathered his acolytes.

Set countered by sending his powerful necromancers after the artifact. As a megadungeon, Barrowmaze is intended to support an extended campaign lasting months and years. Unlike most megadungeons constructed vertically with levels and sub-levels corresponding to character abilityBarrowmaze is constructed as a vast sprawling horizontal dungeon. As the player characters PCs move from west to east across the map, the monsters increase in power and the treasures increase in value.

Subject to the choices made by the PCs, this megadungeon presents opportunities for more than one end- game scenario. By hiding The Tablet in the maze, Nergal ensured that neither of his sons could completely take his place as Lord of Death and the Underworld. The relic has This book is divided into the following parts, barrowmaze complete pdf download, each with their own subsections. The second provides a gazetteer and outlines the geography of the Duchy of Aerik, barrowmaze complete pdf download, paying particular attention to the village of Helix.

The third offers information to Referees on how to run Barrowmaze., barrowmaze complete pdf download.

The history of Barrowmaze is kept purposefully brief and should not be immediately available to player characters. The PCs should only be able to advance their understanding of Barrowmaze and its history through dungeon exploration and role-play. Not all of the information is available in the dungeon, nor is all the information available in the village of Helix.

The history and background of the dungeon is delivered in a slow and purposeful manner. Referees should also note that only the most conscientious players will be able to weave together the various threads of the broader backstory as they proceed through the dungeon.

This is a good thing. If the players want more information they need to work for it. Whether they chose to hunt for details in the dungeon, or are more interested in killing monsters, it is their decision to make, barrowmaze complete pdf download.

You can begin merely by creating characters and setting off to the dungeon. They built a village and, barrowmaze complete pdf download, following their custom, constructed burial mounds and underground tombs to lay their dead to rest.

Some were buried in simple alcoves, while others were entombed behind sealed doors and guarded by deadly traps, barrowmaze complete pdf download. Time passed and the settlement grew—and the underground passages became maze-like in barrowmaze complete pdf download complexity complexity.

This continued for centuries until the cult of Nergal, God of the Underworld, Under world, appeared. Nergal received a vision. He knew his sons, Orcus and Set, desired his throne and wanted to depose him as Lord of the Underworld. Nergal 4 called the dead and commanded them to rise from their graves! The undead have also started to wander onto the surface and into the surrounding marsh, barrowmaze complete pdf download.

The small villages of Helix and Bogtown, barrowmaze complete pdf download, and the larger community of Ironguard Motte, all share folk tales of the dead walking in the mist and riches buried in the swamp.

Local villagers are aware of the barrow mounds and the labyrinth that exists beneath —they refer to the dungeon as Barrowmaze. Helix and Bogtown are both about 15 miles from Ironguard Motte and a round trip from Helix to Bogtown would be 30 miles. However, barrowmaze complete pdf download, the roads in the duchy are little more than dangerous dirt or mud pathways and only barrowmaze complete pdf download movement slightly 5—10 5—1 0 miles.

This section introduces the district known as the Duchy of Aerik. The purpose of this overview is two-fold: to provide an outline of the surrounding area in which Barrowmaze is set and to highlight the village of Helix in detail. This format should allow Referees to begin b egin play immediately using Helix as the starting point and add more detail about the surrounding region as required.

Each map barrowmaze complete pdf download represents 5 miles. This map uses the rough guideline that a human can march a maximum of 20 miles a day in 8 hours given the nature of the damp terrain. The ground between Helix and the Barrow Mounds 1 hex or 5 miles is swampy and slows movement. It takes double the amount of time, or the equivalent of a half-day 4 hours or 10 milesto reach Barrowmaze. This means that expeditions to the dungeon will remain relatively short in order to allow player characters time to travel back to Helix before dusk.

Players should be strongly encouraged to return to Helix as the area of the dungeon and barrow mounds are simply too dangerous to camp overnight. Barrowmaze 7. Moorwash River 8 11 9 5 10 6 8. Wyrdwood 9. The Moon Peaks Blackwater River Thornswild Forest The Merisc River Both rivers appear blackened by peat moss and slowly return to clear water the farther away from the Barrowmoor. Tales say a large tribe of lizardmen live in the delta of the Blackwater River. The Barrowmoor dominates the Duchy of Aerik.

The moor is a vast fetid bog roughly 30 miles north and south and 35 miles east and west. Within the marsh, an obscuring fog hangs heavily on the landscape and easily disorients travelers. At dusk the fog is nearly impenetrable and the moon casts an eerie glow across the moor, barrowmaze complete pdf download. The air feels thick and hard to breath. The marsh smells of rot and decay.

The moor is an unnervingly silent place. Occasionally the deep croak of a bullfrog can be heard before it plops into the water, water, or perhaps p erhaps the distant caw of a raven, but otherwise the moor is strangely quiet. The barrowmaze complete pdf download are called the Moon Peaks due to their extreme vertical elevation that reaches toward the moon in the night sky.

The tips of these mountains are so high their peaks often oft en penetrate the clouds. A clan of dwarves, the Hammerhands, lives in the northernmost of these mountains near Bogtown.

All nondwarves are strictly forbid. Some say a great Roc makes its nest in the southern edge of the mountains mountains. Stories abound about the monsters and inhabitants of the Barrowmoor. A tribe of froglings see New Monsters is known to exist somewhere in the central eastern portion por tion of the marsh.

These small, frog-like frog- like humanoids humanoids often emerge from the moor to attack att ack caravans travelling back and forth along the trade routes to Helix and Bogtown. The rangers brave enough to journey across barrowmaze complete pdf download bog also tell tales of lizardmen conducting strange rituals around ancient standing stones to the south.

Although its waters appear clear cl ear they darken to black, due to the peat from rotting vegetation, as the river approaches the swamp swamp. Monstrous humanoids such as froglings and lizardmen often use the banks of the Moorwash River, River, particularly to the t he west of the Old Dwarf Bridge, to hide their numbers and strike at caravans and travellers before retreating ret reating quickly into the Barrowmoor Barrowmoor.

For much of the year the Barrowmoor is near impenetrable. During the fall, barrowmaze complete pdf download, winter, and early spring the marshland is simply too soggy and water-covered to traverse. Over the last two t wo seasons, the populations of Helix, Bogtown, and Ironguard Motte have grown with adventurers in the summer months. See Random Table 1 for encounters in the Barrowmoor.

Some say the trees have turned black from the peat of the Barrowmoor and others say that a greater evil has barrowmaze complete pdf download the forest. The wood is known to harbor all manner of monstrous creatures including goblins, barrowmaze complete pdf download, bugbears, trolls, and giant spiders. During the spring and summer months the villagers of Helix, accompanied by a group of men-at-arms, attempt to harvest the extremely valuable giant spider silk from the forest.

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Barrowmaze complete pdf download

barrowmaze complete pdf download

Barrowmaze - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read book online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search5/5(5). Aug 06,  · RPG overview of Barrowmaze Complete by Greg Gillespie. PDF and Print. Barrowmaze Complete for 5e is a classic old school megadungeon for use with 5th Edition Fantasy role-playing games. Barrowmaze Complete includes everything in Barrowmaze I and II in the same book in addition to new material, art, layout, and cover art by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus/5(14).

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